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Contract and Health Guarantee


All Cavaliers bred and placed by Lockwood Cavaliers are guaranteed to be healthy at the time of placement. For Purpose of this agreement, once the puppy leaves the premises, it is under the new owner’s control. Notice of any problems with said puppy must be received within 72 hours or this guarantee is null and void.

All our puppies have had a comprehensive examination done by a licensed veterinarian. They have had their first set of vaccinations and deworming’s.  It is the responsibility of the new owner to keep up on the puppy’s vaccinations and deworming’s, (we recommend every 2-3 weeks) until the puppy is 19 weeks old and then once annually. Please be advised that until your puppy has had its full 4 sets of vaccinations it is susceptible to certain illnesses, and therefore should be kept out of areas where other dogs and other animals have been and off public areas. The health of our Cavaliers and their babies is very important to us. Only the healthiest females are bred to our Stud. In fact, to even be considered, each female must pass Heart, Patellar & Eye, OFA Certification. We encourage all new owners to keep us informed if any problems should ever occur with your Cavalier throughout its lifetime. We very much like to stay in touch with our new owners. We would love to see pictures of your puppy as he/she grows.

If at any time during the lifetime of your Cavalier, should you find that you are no longer able to care for your dog or give it the quality of care it deserves, we are always willing to provide a home for our puppies and assist with finding a new loving home for them. We understand that in life there are sometimes unforeseen circumstances that can occur. Please do not give any Cavalier away or send it to a shelter. Once you receive your puppy it is up to you, the owner, to provide a safe, healthy environment which includes a nutritional diet, exercise, time, and love. Remember this is a baby, and as such should be given love, care, and attention. Puppy proof your home to prevent chewing accidents and provide chewing toys for the appropriate chewing needs of the puppy. Cavaliers are indoor dogs and thoroughly enjoy the company of their family. They should never live outdoors. The seller cannot guarantee the ability to house train the puppy. Please educate yourself before adopting a puppy. We assume no responsibility for the care or protection of the puppy after it leaves our premises. We assume no responsibility for buyer’s remorse, medical expenses, expenses incurred by Landlords, expenses incurred due to family allergy to animal, disagreement of family members, and other events beyond our control. We cannot guarantee personality traits, size or markings. Although we try to predict size, quality, and breeding ability of the puppies we cannot guarantee these attributes.

My puppies are placed with AKC limited registration Papers, unless otherwise agreed upon. We recommend spaying or neutering a puppy around 12 months of age. At this age their growth hormones are usually finished. Puppies need their hormones during the growth period and early altering could change the size of your cavalier and contribute to other health issues later in life. The growth plates usually close around 12 months.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold a puppy for you. The deposit will be refunded only if we are unable to fulfill your request. With this deposit, we will hold your puppy until it is time for the puppy to leave our home (usually when the puppy is 8-10 weeks of age). If you have not completed the adoption fee prior to puppy leaving or made other arrangements with us by that time, you will lose your deposit. Puppy orders are filled in the order the deposits come in. Please understand that these dogs are in very high demand. If you should change your mind about adopting a puppy after you have sent in your deposit, be advised that we will not be able to refund your money.

Deposits are refundable if something unforeseen is to come up at a vet check prior to going home. When you come to pick up your puppy, the full price of the puppy (minus the deposit) will need to be completed before you can take your puppy home. The final amount due should be in cash or through Venmo. 

We guarantee your puppy to be free from life threatening genetic defects and to be healthy at time of purchase. You must have your puppy examined by a licensed Veterinarian within 72 hours after receiving the puppy and return to us a copy of the veterinarian exam report, by text or email. You can take a photo with your phone and text or mail to or 865-207-3232. Notice of any problems with said puppy must be received within 72 hours.

 Your puppy has a one-year health guarantee against congenital defects that are considered lethal, which includes heart murmurs that are considered “congenital,” lethal murmurs. This does not include “innocent” puppy murmurs that go away as the puppy grows. This guarantee includes anything considered genetically “lethal” for a period of one year from the date of birth. Lethal is described as a defect causing death or medically indicated euthanasia. If any life-threatening genetic defect is diagnosed and confirmed within one year from date of birth, the puppy needs to be returned immediately.

You also must provide a signed statement from a licensed veterinarian along with a copy of this contract. Lockwood’s Cavaliers has the right to get a second opinion by the vet of their choice. We will take the puppy in for a second opinion and if the Veterinarians both agree on the diagnosis, we will replace the puppy with one of the same gender and color as soon as one becomes available. No Refunds. All AKC papers also must be returned.

The Bitch and Sire owner is at no time responsible for Veterinarian cost and or shipping of your puppy. Anything that is considered non-lethal has no guarantee for any period of time. The Sellers health guarantee does not cover physical abnormalities caused by injury, neglect, illness, poisoning, hernias, dry eye, under or overbite, or un-descending testicles.

As umbilical hernias are very common in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, there will be no allowances made for this. This is not considered to be a defect for showing and can be caused from the birth process and is not necessarily genetic in nature.

We recommend that you consult your veterinarian early about the prevention of heartworms and other internal parasites in your area. Lockwood’s Cavaliers recommend monthly heartworm/parasite prevention for the life of your Cavalier. It is expected that the Buyer will be willing to have yearly exams including heartworm detection, fecal examinations, and all vaccinations required by your veterinarian. All veterinary expenses are the responsibility of the buyer. We have done regular vet exams on all our adult Cavaliers, including heart and eye certification and monthly parasite prevention. Feed good quality dog food for optimum health. It is not humanly possible to know what your Cavalier will look like or the size they will be as an adult. We want you to love them unconditionally. The seller will consider replacing puppy only if the conditions detailed in the Health Guarantee are met. If the puppy has not visited the veterinarian as agreed and the copy of the veterinarian exam has not been returned within the 72-hour time frame, this health guarantee will be VOID.

This is a legal and binding contract under the state of Tennessee. Any legal matters regarding this contract shall be executed in a court of law in Monroe County, Tennessee. This contract is non-transferable. All parties have read and fully agree to the terms and conditions of this contract and therefore sign below stating their agreement.

New Owner

____________________________________Date ___________________

Litter Owner

____________________________________Date ____________________

Thank you for entrusting us to give you a "lifetime" friend.

Lockwood Cavaliers

Lockwood      Cavaliers

Lockwood Cavalier Puppies

We fell in love with the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed. Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have proven to be incredible, loving companions, and we wanted to share that experience with others by producing healthy, happy puppies. It is so fulfilling!




Get In Touch Connie Lockwood Maynardville,    Tenn. 37807



Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have proven to be incredible, loving companions, and we wanted to share that experience with others by producing healthy, happy puppies. It is so fulfilling!

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Made with Love 2024 for Lockwood Cavaliers

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